Rally to Restore Sanity/March to Keep Fear Alive

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Review of Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear

So the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear was a lot of fun and I'm glad I was able to go! I hope that this blog helped encourage people to come, while informing them about the national rallies and satellite rallies around the globe.
A lot of people were not able to to make phone calls, send text messages, or use 3G at the rally due to what was probably an overload of service, which is why I stopped updating this site and Twitter.

Anyway, there are rumors that the national Rally had over 500000, or a half a million people in attendance, which is a huge number. I just know that people were all the way at the end of the National Mall, well past the Washington Monument.

I hope that everyone that went to the rally's had a lot of fun and came away with the knowledge that there are also other people out there who are sick of the extreme rhetoric on the far right and left and the ridiculous scare tactics of our mass media.
Just remember that moderates are the majority. Most people may try to align themselves with Republicans or Democrats, but they are not extreme on either side. As we saw at the rally, maintaining sanity will allow everyone to work together that much easier, and it will create a much more pleasant environment. I am 100% positive that people disagreed with each other at the Rally to Restore Sanity, but if they did they were able to act intelligent about it and not continue a war of hate that has been perpetuated by the extremists on either side of the table.

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